Below graphs are displaying the amount of free and total disk space of the hard drives on each server.
Green colour symbolize free disk space and gray symbolize used disk space.
If the free disk space is low (15%/10%/5%) the gray will change into yellow/orange/red for the alert.
You can also see the disk space usage history for the last 21 days - just click on (+) on the right of each graph.
Disk space on Ricky
Disk space on Johnny
Disk space on Tommy
Data collected at 2025-02-12 20:32:25 UTC. Next update in 15 minutes.
* Values are rounded to full gigabytes (if 10 GB or more)
and to one number after decimal point (if less than 10 GB). *
* kB, MB, GB (kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte) units are used in their binary meaning as powers of 1024. *
Related informations:
Changelog of the service:
2011-08-16 - Start of the "HelioHost Disk Space Info" utility.
2011-10-10 - Partitions on server "Stevie" have been reorganised. "/var/lib/mysql" becomes bigger, "/var/cpanel" becomes smaller. New partition "/var/lib/pgsql" has been created making "/home1" smaller.
2012-02-22 - Partitions on server "Stevie" have been reorganised. "/var/lib/mysql" becomes smaller, "/var/cpanel" becomes bigger.
2016-08-22 - New disk on "Johnny" have been added: "/home1".
2016-08-30 - Monitoring of disk space started on the new server "Tommy".
2016-12-08 - Monitoring of disk space re-started on the rebuilded server "Johnny", new partitions applied.
If you'll find any bugs or you have some suggestions - feel free to contact me with the email displayed in the footer of this page or trough private message on forum with subject line "HelioHost Disk Space Info". Thank you. I hope you'll find this service useful.